Seeing Possibilities
Links last verified July 18th, 2011
this site is closing
I am no longer maintaining this site. Nobody wants outdated information, so I'll pull it down altogether by the end of December, 2011.
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[1] Introduction
This page started as a page of sounds sent back from spacecraft that were generally conversions from instrumentation readings, or in a few cases, literally recorded using microphones.
In some cases, I understand that the audio may be an extra tool for researches to interpret new data where visual interpretation presents particular difficulties.
Slowly, I found, too, many human voices talking about space to ignore them, and included those too - audio and video clips and podcasts are all included.
By the way, if you want to identify objects in the night sky, try investigating the
SkyScout. It will name any object in the sky or search for one you nominate, using GPS.
[2] Sounds from Space
Atmosphere on Saturn's moon Enceladus first inkling that the moon had an atmosphere at all.
Aurora - intrference from the Northern Lights
Auroral Star Wars from the wideband receiver of Cluster.
Cassini probe goes through the Rings of Saturn - video with sound.
Cosmic Debris - sounds a bit like a Cold War radio station call-sign.
Dawn Chorus: high-energy objects caught in Earth's radiation belts
Downloadable Sound Files from the Stars! � INSPIRING THINGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD - a start that plays African drums, a white dwarf, and music played on stellar instruments, among other things.
Earth Atmosphere - this creaky sound is also known as a 'whistler'
ESA Portal - Sounds of an alien world - sounds of Titan, recorded by the microphone on the Huygens Probe.
Human Space Flight Gallery includes audio clips of the Shuttle crews' wake-up calls.
Jodcast August 2008 Extra - show notes - Tim O'Brian of Jodrell Bank in England presents sounds from space.
Leonid Meteor Shower, November 2000 detected by ESA scientists.
Lightning on Saturn - recorded by the Cassini Mission.
Marsquake from Mars Express data,
Moon Bounce - radio signal bounced back from the Moon.
'Music of the stars' now louder - BBC News - the Kepler Space Telescope is giving us ever more information about the stars - by sound.
Music of the sun recorded by scientists - Telegraph
NASA - Kennedy Space Center Video Feeds
NASA online VLF receiver
NASA Space Story includes audio files.
Natural Space Sounds
Pulsar neutron star.
Pulsar rotating 1.4 times persecond.
Pulsar rotating 642 times per second.
Radar echoes from Titan's surface
Radio Sun - listen to recent events on the Sun, courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services, Australia. The receiver is a multi-frequency one that gives out a binaural sound image.
Shuttle Audio Frequencies - hear Shuttle mission audio direct! Many frequencies are in the amateur bands.
Sounds of Titan - Sounds of an Alien World from NASA.
Sound Waves on Distant Star Reveal Sun-Like Cycle | Space.com
Space Audio Page
Space audio - regular audio such as moon landing,
Space Stock Sound and Music Clips. 44 Space audio tracks available ...
Speeding through Titan's haze - direct link.
Sputnik 1: Telemetry, the first Russian spacecraft that we know about. There is more info on the Sputnik Programme on NASA's History site.
Team records 'music' from stars - work done by Jodrell Bank astronomers, with some sound samples.
The Big Bang - echoes of the very start of the Universe as we know it.
The Ionosphere
The Sky's Not the Limit: Astronomy for the Blind and Visually Impaired - Fred's Head
The Song of the Sun: Video with sound on NASA's SOHO probe listening to the Sun
[Real Media] The Sounds of Stars - BBC Sky at Night, December, 2006. Sir Patrick Moore investigates how stars may be analysed by using sound.
Whistler - electro-magnetic phenomenon of the Earth's atmosphere.