[1] Introduction

I hope to give you some basic information on orang-utans, and to highlight the dangers of losing them from the planet altogether.

The big problem is that their limited habitat is being limited even more by deforestation brought about mainly by the manufacture of palm oil for bio-fuel and cosmetics.

The pet trade has also got a lot to answer for. Mother orang-utans may be kkilled so that their babies can be offered as pets. Though illegal, this still goes on.

We have been so mean to our nearest relatives in recent times, but there are ways you can help stop the devastation.

  1. Don't buy products containing palm oil unless you know they come from a legitimate source
  2. Donate money to organisations that are working in the field
  3. Donate some time to working for those organisations, either in the background, or in the field, which may mean going to Malaysia and/or Indonesia.

It is honestly pretty difficult to identify the products that contain the illicit palm oil. Not even their manufacturers may be aware of the source of the palm oil they use. However, some organisations, such as Friends of the Earth, have tried to identify the problem products. You can do your best - the rest comes down to companies and governments changing their ways.